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Public School Districts in allegan county,

1. Allegan Area Educational Service Agency310 Thomas St Allegan,MI 490102696732161
Grade: PK-12Schools: 7Students: 380
2. Allegan Public Schools550 5th St Allegan,MI 490102696735431
Grade: KG-12Schools: 7Students: 2775
3. Fennville Public Schools5 Memorial Dr Fennville,MI 494082695617331
Grade: KG-12Schools: 4Students: 1467
4. Glenn Public School District1394 Adams Glenn,MI 494162692273411
Grade: KG-06Schools: 1Students: 38
5. Hamilton Community Schools4815 136th Ave Hamilton,MI 494192697515148
Grade: KG-12Schools: 7Students: 2622
6. Hopkins Public Schools400 South Clark St Hopkins,MI 493282697937261
Grade: KG-12Schools: 4Students: 1599
7. Martin Public Schools1619 University St Martin,MI 490702696727194
Grade: KG-12Schools: 2Students: 601
8. Otsego Public Schools400 Sherwood St Otsego,MI 490782696926066
Grade: KG-12Schools: 6Students: 2340
9. Outlook Academy2565 111th Ave Allegan,MI 490102696868227
Grade: 05-12Schools: 2Students: 36
10. Plainwell Community Schools600 School Dr Plainwell,MI 490802696855823
Grade: KG-12Schools: 6Students: 2737
11. Saugatuck Public Schools201 Randolph St Douglas,MI 494062698571444
Grade: KG-12Schools: 3Students: 838
12. Wayland Union Schools850 East Superior St Wayland,MI 493482697922181
Grade: KG-12Schools: 6Students: 2854

The above table lists all the public school districts in allegan county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in allegan county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Wayland High School
Wayland,MIHigh School09-12
2. Plainwell High School
Plainwell,MIHigh School09-12
3. Allegan High School
Allegan,MIHigh School09-12
4. Hamilton High School
Hamilton,MIHigh School09-12
5. Otsego High School
Otsego,MIHigh School09-12
6. Plainwell Middle School
Plainwell,MIMiddle School06-08
7. Fennville Elementary School
Fennville,MIElementary SchoolKG-05
8. L.E. White Middle School
Allegan,MIMiddle School06-08
9. Hamilton Middle School
Hamilton,MIMiddle School06-08
10. Hopkins High School
Hopkins,MIHigh School09-12

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