1. Gwinn Area Community Schools | 50 West State Hwy M35 Gwinn,MI 49841 | 9063469283 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 4 | Students: 1249 |
2. Ishpeming Public School District | 319 East Division St Ishpeming,MI 49849 | 9064855501 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 4 | Students: 910 |
3. Marquette Area Public Schools | 1201 West Fair Ave Marquette,MI 49855 | 9062255326 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 8 | Students: 3098 |
4. Marquette-Alger Resa | 321 East Ohio St Marquette,MI 49855 | 9062265101 |
Grade: 04-11 | Schools: 2 | Students: 56 |
5. N.I.C.E. Community Schools | 300 Westwood Dr Ishpeming,MI 49849 | 9064851021 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 5 | Students: 1232 |
6. Negaunee Public Schools | 101 South Pioneer Ave Negaunee,MI 49866 | 9064754157 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 3 | Students: 1422 |
7. North Star Academy | 3030 Wright St Marquette,MI 49855 | 9062260156 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 232 |
8. Powell Township Schools | 101 Deutsch Ave Big Bay,MI 49808 | 9063459355 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 1 | Students: 46 |
9. Republic-Michigamme Schools | 227 Maple St Republic,MI 49879 | 9063762277 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 158 |
10. Wells Township School District | 38211 Co Rd 426 Arnold,MI 49819 | 9062384200 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 1 | Students: 15 |
The above table lists all the public school districts in marquette county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can
search public schools districts by location.
The table below lists the largest public schools in marquette county, , sorted by the number of students.