Home > > roscommon county School Districts

Public School Districts in roscommon county,

1. C.O.O.R. Independent School District11051 North Cut Rd Roscommon,MI 486539892759520
Grade: PK-PKSchools: 5Students: 68
2. Houghton Lake Community Schools6001 West Houghton Lake Dr Houghton Lake,MI 486299893662000
Grade: KG-12Schools: 5Students: 1705
3. Roscommon Area Public Schools702 Lake St Roscommon,MI 486539892756600
Grade: KG-12Schools: 4Students: 1467

The above table lists all the public school districts in roscommon county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in roscommon county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Houghton Lake High School
Houghton Lake,MIHigh School08-12
2. Roscommon High School
Roscommon,MIHigh School09-12
3. Roscommon Elementary School
Roscommon,MIElementary SchoolKG-04
4. Houghton Lake Middle School
Houghton Lake,MIMiddle School04-07
5. Roscommon Middle School
Roscommon,MIMiddle School05-08
6. Collins Elementary School
Houghton Lake,MIElementary SchoolKG-03
7. C.O.O.R. Special Educational Center
Roscommon,MIOther SchoolUG-UG
8. Second Chance Academy
Roscommon,MIOther School06-12
9. Houghton Lake Adult Education
Houghton Lake,MIHigh School09-12
10. C.O.O.R. Early Childhood Services
Roscommon,MIElementary SchoolPK-PK

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