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Public School Districts in winona county,

1. Bluffview Montessori School District1321 Gilmore Ave Winona,MN 559875074522807
Grade: KG-08Schools: 1Students: 211
2. Dakota Area Community Charter School District220 Golden Rule Rd Dakota,MN 559255076436869
Grade: KG-05Schools: 1Students: 36
3. Hiawatha Valley Education District1410 Bundy Blvd Winona,MN 559875074521200
Grade: PK-12Schools: 8Students: 73
4. Lewiston-Altura Public School District100 County Rd 25 Lewiston,MN 559525075232191
Grade: PK-12Schools: 3Students: 763
5. Ridgeway Community School District35564 County Rd 12 Houston,MN 559435074549566
Grade: KG-05Schools: 1Students: 86
6. Riverway Learning Community Charter School District115 Iowa St Minnesota City,MN 559595076892844
Grade: PK-12Schools: 2Students: 85
7. St. Charles Public School District600 East 6th St St. Charles,MN 559725079324423
Grade: PK-12Schools: 2Students: 1020
8. Winona Area Public School District903 Gilmore Ave Winona,MN 559875074940861
Grade: PK-12Schools: 10Students: 3323

The above table lists all the public school districts in winona county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in winona county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Winona Senior High School
Winona,MNHigh School09-12
2. Winona Middle School
Winona,MNMiddle School05-08
3. St. Charles Elementary School
St. Charles,MNElementary SchoolPK-06
4. St. Charles Secondary School
St. Charles,MNHigh School07-12
5. Lewiston-Altura Secondary School
Lewiston,MNHigh School07-12
6. Lewiston-Altura Elementary School
Lewiston,MNElementary SchoolPK-04
7. Washington-Kosciusko Elementary School
Winona,MNElementary SchoolKG-04
8. Jefferson Elementary School
Winona,MNElementary SchoolKG-04
9. Madison Elementary School
Winona,MNElementary SchoolKG-04
10. Bluffview Montessori
Winona,MNElementary SchoolKG-08

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