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Public School Districts in pearl river county,

1. Pearl River County School District7441 Hwy 11 Carriere,MS 394266017987744
Grade: PK-12Schools: 5Students: 3102
2. Picayune School District706 Goodyear Blvd Picayune,MS 394666017983230
Grade: PK-12Schools: 10Students: 3550
3. Poplarville Separate School District302 South Julia St Poplarville,MS 394706017958477
Grade: PK-12Schools: 6Students: 2108

The above table lists all the public school districts in pearl river county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in pearl river county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Picayune Memorial High School
Picayune,MSHigh School09-12
2. Pearl River Central High School
Carriere,MSHigh School09-12
3. Pearl River Central Upper Elementary School
Carriere,MSElementary School03-05
4. Pearl River Central Junior High School
Carriere,MSMiddle School06-08
5. Pearl River Central Lower Elementary School
Carriere,MSElementary SchoolPK-02
6. Poplarville Junior Senior High School
Poplarville,MSHigh School09-12
7. Picayune Junior High School
Picayune,MSMiddle School07-08
8. Middle School Of Poplarville
Poplarville,MSMiddle School06-08
9. Roseland Park Elementary School
Picayune,MSElementary SchoolKG-06
10. Nicholson Elementary School
Picayune,MSElementary SchoolPK-06

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