1. Brookfield Central School District | 1910 Fairground Rd Brookfield,NY 13314 | 3158993323 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 239 |
2. Canastota Central School District | 120 Roberts St Canastota,NY 13032 | 3156972025 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 4 | Students: 1542 |
3. Cazenovia Central School District | 31 Emory Ave Cazenovia,NY 13035 | 3156551317 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 3 | Students: 1664 |
4. Chittenango Central School District | 1732 Fyler Rd Chittenango,NY 13037 | 3156872840 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 5 | Students: 2228 |
5. Deruyter Central School District | 711 Railroad St Deruyter,NY 13052 | 3158523400 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 2 | Students: 432 |
6. Hamilton Central School District | 47 West Kendrick Ave Hamilton,NY 13346 | 3158246300 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 2 | Students: 605 |
7. Madison Central School District | 7303route 20 Madison,NY 13402 | 3158931878 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 473 |
8. Morrisville-Eaton Central School District | 5061 Fearon Rd Morrisville,NY 13408 | 3156849300 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 2 | Students: 774 |
9. Oneida City School District | 565 Sayles St Oneida,NY 13421 | 3153632550 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 7 | Students: 2379 |
10. Stockbridge Valley Central School District | 6011 Williams Rd Munnsville,NY 13409 | 3154954400 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 507 |
The above table lists all the public school districts in madison county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can
search public schools districts by location.
The table below lists the largest public schools in madison county, , sorted by the number of students.