Home > > greene county School Districts

Public School Districts in greene county,

1. Beavercreek City School District3040 Kemp Rd Beavercreek,OH 454319374261522
Grade: PK-12Schools: 8Students: 7895
2. Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools L School District60 East South St Bellbrook,OH 453059378485001
Grade: PK-12Schools: 5Students: 2592
3. Cedar Cliff Local School District248 North Main St Cedarville,OH 453149377666000
Grade: PK-12Schools: 2Students: 582
4. Dayton Regional Stem School3775 Pentagon Blvd Beavercreek,OH 454319374311837
Grade: 08-10Schools: 1Students: 192
5. Fairborn Digital Academy School District700 Black Ln Fairborn,OH 453249378790511
Grade: 09-12Schools: 1Students: 114
6. Fairborn Schools City School District306 East Whittier Ave Fairborn,OH 453249378783961
Grade: PK-12Schools: 4Students: 4444
7. Greene County Esc360 East Enon Rd Yellow Springs,OH 453879377671303
Grade: PK-PKSchools: 0Students: 0
8. Greene County Jt Voc School District2960 West Enon Rd Xenia,OH 453859373726941
Grade: 06-12Schools: 1Students: 0
9. Greeneview Local School District4 South Charleston Rd Jamestown,OH 453359376752728
Grade: PK-12Schools: 3Students: 1326
10. Summit Academy-Xenia School District870 South Detroit St Xenia,OH 453859373725210
Grade: 01-08Schools: 1Students: 62
11. Xenia Community City School District578 East Market St Xenia,OH 453859373762961
Grade: PK-12Schools: 10Students: 4620
12. Yellow Springs Exempted Village Schools201 South Walnut St Yellow Springs,OH 453879377677381
Grade: PK-12Schools: 2Students: 712

The above table lists all the public school districts in greene county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in greene county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Beavercreek High School
Beavercreek,OHHigh School09-12
2. Fairborn Primary School Elementary
Fairborn,OHElementary SchoolPK-03
3. Xenia High School
Xenia,OHHigh School09-12
4. Fairborn High School
Fairborn,OHHigh School09-12
5. Ferguson Middle School
Beavercreek,OHMiddle School06-08
6. Baker Middle School
Fairborn,OHMiddle School06-08
7. Main Elementary School
Beavercreek,OHElementary SchoolKG-05
8. Herman K Ankeney Middle School
Beavercreek,OHMiddle School06-08
9. Bellbrook High School High
Bellbrook,OHHigh School09-12
10. Shaw Elementary School
Beavercreek,OHElementary SchoolKG-05

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