1. Beavercreek City School District | 3040 Kemp Rd Beavercreek,OH 45431 | 9374261522 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 8 | Students: 7895 |
2. Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools L School District | 60 East South St Bellbrook,OH 45305 | 9378485001 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 5 | Students: 2592 |
3. Cedar Cliff Local School District | 248 North Main St Cedarville,OH 45314 | 9377666000 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 2 | Students: 582 |
4. Dayton Regional Stem School | 3775 Pentagon Blvd Beavercreek,OH 45431 | 9374311837 |
Grade: 08-10 | Schools: 1 | Students: 192 |
5. Fairborn Digital Academy School District | 700 Black Ln Fairborn,OH 45324 | 9378790511 |
Grade: 09-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 114 |
6. Fairborn Schools City School District | 306 East Whittier Ave Fairborn,OH 45324 | 9378783961 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 4 | Students: 4444 |
7. Greene County Esc | 360 East Enon Rd Yellow Springs,OH 45387 | 9377671303 |
Grade: PK-PK | Schools: 0 | Students: 0 |
8. Greene County Jt Voc School District | 2960 West Enon Rd Xenia,OH 45385 | 9373726941 |
Grade: 06-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 0 |
9. Greeneview Local School District | 4 South Charleston Rd Jamestown,OH 45335 | 9376752728 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 3 | Students: 1326 |
10. Summit Academy-Xenia School District | 870 South Detroit St Xenia,OH 45385 | 9373725210 |
Grade: 01-08 | Schools: 1 | Students: 62 |
11. Xenia Community City School District | 578 East Market St Xenia,OH 45385 | 9373762961 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 10 | Students: 4620 |
12. Yellow Springs Exempted Village Schools | 201 South Walnut St Yellow Springs,OH 45387 | 9377677381 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 2 | Students: 712 |
The above table lists all the public school districts in greene county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can
search public schools districts by location.
The table below lists the largest public schools in greene county, , sorted by the number of students.