1. Chippewa Local School District | 56 North Portage St Doylestown,OH 44230 | 3306586368 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 3 | Students: 1448 |
2. Dalton Local School District | 177 Mill St North Dalton,OH 44618 | 3308282267 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 4 | Students: 900 |
3. Green Local School District | 484 East Main St Smithville,OH 44677 | 3306693921 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 4 | Students: 1182 |
4. Northwestern Local School District | 7571 North Elyria Rd West Salem,OH 44287 | 4198463151 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 3 | Students: 1351 |
5. Norwayne Local School District | 350 South Main St Creston,OH 44217 | 3304356382 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 3 | Students: 1394 |
6. Orrville City School District | 815 North Ella St Orrville,OH 44667 | 3306824651 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 4 | Students: 1533 |
7. Rittman Academy School District | 75 North Main St Rittman,OH 44270 | 3309277401 |
Grade: 08-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 32 |
8. Rittman Exempted Village Schools | 75 North Main St Rittman,OH 44270 | 3309277400 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 3 | Students: 1031 |
9. Southeast Local School District | 9048 Dover Rd Apple Creek,OH 44606 | 3306983001 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 6 | Students: 1553 |
10. Tri-County Esc | 741 Winkler Dr Wooster,OH 44691 | 3303456771 |
Grade: PK-PK | Schools: 0 | Students: 0 |
11. Triway Local School District | 3205 Shreve Rd Wooster,OH 44691 | 3302649491 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 5 | Students: 1838 |
12. Wayne County Jvsd | 1248 Heritage Court Orrville,OH 44667 | 3306697000 |
Grade: 09-12 | Schools: 1 | Students: 0 |
13. Wooster City School District | 144 North Market St Wooster,OH 44691 | 3302640869 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 11 | Students: 3691 |
The above table lists all the public school districts in wayne county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can
search public schools districts by location.
The table below lists the largest public schools in wayne county, , sorted by the number of students.