Home > Kentucky > Meade County > Meade County > Brandenburg Primary School Elementary School

Brandenburg Primary School, Elementary School
Grades: PK-03 | Student:771 | Teacher:46 | Score:
Phone: 270-422-7545
750 Broadway Brandenburg, KY 40108
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School District:Meade County
School Level:Elementary School
School Grades:PK-03
Number of Students:771
Number of Teachers:46
County:Meade County, Kentucky
Office Phone:270-422-7545
Web Site:
Operational Status:Open, Operational
Environment:Rural, Distant Census-defined rural territory
School Type:Regular School
Mailing Address:750 Broadway
Brandenburg, KY 40108

Other Meade County schools: Battletown Elementary School, Stuart Pepper Middle School, Ekron Elementary School, Flaherty Elementary School, Meade County High School, Muldraugh Elementary School, Payneville Elementary School, David T. Wilson Elementary School
GradesTotalWhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianTwo or more races
Grade 117516642201
Grade 217716364301
Grade 315115000010

During school year 2010-2011(the most recent data year available), Brandenburg Primary School Elementary School had 771 students and 46 full time teachers. The student ratio was 16.8. Regarding the gender, 342 students were female, 429 students were male. Regarding the racial makeup of the students, 737 were white, 13 were African American, 7 were Hispanic, 7 were Asian(including Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander), 1 were American Indian or Alaska Native, 6 were reported from two or more races.

Totally 377 students were eligible for subsidized lunch program: 302 students were eligible for free lunch, 75 students were eligible for reduced price lunch.Brandenburg Primary School Elementary School is located at 750 Broadway, Brandenburg, KY 40108. The school environment is Rural, Distant Census-defined rural territory.

Brandenburg Primary School Elementary School belongs to Meade County and is managed by Meade County school district. It serves students from grade PK to grade 03. The school's operational status is Open, Operational. Please call their phone number 270-422-7545 for more information about the school's enrollment and education programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

Special Code:

N: an alphanumeric value is neither expected nor measured.
-2: a numeric value is neither expected nor measured.
M: an alphanumeric value is expected but none was measured.
-1: a numeric value is expected but none was measured.

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