Home > Nebraska > Dawson County > Lexington Public Schools > Morton Elementary School Elementary School

Morton Elementary School, Elementary School
Grades: PK-05 | Student:454 | Teacher:32 | Score:
Phone: 308-324-3764
505 South Lincoln Lexington, NE 68850
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School District:Lexington Public Schools
School Level:Elementary School
School Grades:PK-05
Number of Students:454
Number of Teachers:32
County:Dawson County, Nebraska
Office Phone:308-324-3764
Web Site:
Operational Status:Open, Operational
Environment:Town, Remote Territory
School Type:Regular School
Mailing Address:505 S Lincoln
Lexington, NE 68850

Other Lexington Public Schools schools: Lexington High School, Windy Acres Elementary School, Horseshoe Bend Elementary School, Bryan Elementary School, Lexington Middle School, Parent-Student Resource Elementary, Early Intervention/Homebound, Early Learning Academy
GradesTotalWhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianTwo or more races
Grade 1796070201
Grade 2663162000
Grade 3817270101
Grade 4757362120
Grade 5754562121

During school year 2010-2011(the most recent data year available), Morton Elementary School Elementary School had 454 students and 32 full time teachers. The student ratio was 14. Regarding the gender, 203 students were female, 251 students were male. Regarding the racial makeup of the students, 32 were white, 16 were African American, 392 were Hispanic, 6 were Asian(including Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander), 4 were American Indian or Alaska Native, 4 were reported from two or more races.

Totally 407 students were eligible for subsidized lunch program: 352 students were eligible for free lunch, 55 students were eligible for reduced price lunch.Morton Elementary School Elementary School is located at 505 South Lincoln, Lexington, NE 68850. The school environment is Town, Remote Territory.

Morton Elementary School Elementary School belongs to Dawson County and is managed by Lexington Public Schools school district. It serves students from grade PK to grade 05. The school's operational status is Open, Operational. Please call their phone number 308-324-3764 for more information about the school's enrollment and education programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

Special Code:

N: an alphanumeric value is neither expected nor measured.
-2: a numeric value is neither expected nor measured.
M: an alphanumeric value is expected but none was measured.
-1: a numeric value is expected but none was measured.

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