Nearby school districts:
River Mill Academy,
Clover Garden,
The Hawbridge School,
Orange County Schools,
Orange Charter,
Guilford Preparatory,
Two Rivers Community,
Guilford County Schools,
Caswell County Schools,
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools
Distict Schools | Location | Level | Grades | Students | Score |
Career Technical Education Center | Burlington,NC | Unknown | N-N | -2 | |
Sellars-Gunn Alternative | Burlington,NC | Other School | KG-12 | 37 | |
Eastern Alamance High School | Mebane,NC | High School | 09-12 | 1134 | 5 |
Graham High | Graham,NC | High School | 09-12 | 793 | |
Southern High School | Graham,NC | High School | 09-12 | 1475 | 5 |
Western Alamance High | Elon,NC | High School | 09-12 | 1197 | |
Hugh M Cummings High School | Burlington,NC | High School | 09-12 | 859 | 3 |
Walter M Williams High School | Burlington,NC | High School | 09-12 | 1169 | 4 |
Alamance-Burlington Middle College High School | Graham,NC | High School | 09-12 | 83 | 3 |
Graham Middle | Graham,NC | Middle School | 06-08 | 671 | |
Southern Middle School | Graham,NC | Middle School | 06-08 | 810 | 7 |
Western Middle | Elon,NC | Middle School | 06-08 | 888 | |
Alamance-Burlington Schools school district is located at 1712 Vaughn Rd Burlington, NC 27217. Please call 336-570-6060.
The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Alamance-Burlington Schools school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Alamance-Burlington Schools school district was 1491: 731 of them were elementary school teachers, 731 were secondary school teachers.
The number of students in Alamance-Burlington Schools school district was 22811: 2745 of them were in special education program, 2742 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.
School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education