Nearby school districts:
Orange County Department Of Education,
Tustin Unified,
Santa Ana Unified,
Newport-Mesa Unified,
Coastline Rop Jpa,
Coastline Rop,
Saddleback Valley Unified,
Central County Rop,
Huntington Beach City Elementary,
Laguna Beach Unified
Distict Schools | Location | Level | Grades | Students | Score |
Alternative Education-San Joaquin High School | Irvine,CA | Other School | KG-12 | 97 | 10 |
Irvine High School | Irvine,CA | High School | 09-12 | 1877 | 10 |
Creekside High School | Irvine,CA | High School | 09-12 | 182 | 3 |
University High School | Irvine,CA | High School | 09-12 | 2402 | 10 |
Woodbridge High School | Irvine,CA | High School | 09-12 | 2161 | 9 |
Northwood High School | Irvine,CA | High School | 09-12 | 1947 | 10 |
Irvine Adult Transition Programs | Irvine,CA | High School | 12-12 | 25 | |
South Lake Middle School | Irvine,CA | Middle School | 07-08 | 592 | 10 |
Rancho San Joaquin Middle School | Irvine,CA | Middle School | 07-08 | 844 | 10 |
Lakeside Middle School | Irvine,CA | Middle School | 07-08 | 715 | 10 |
Venado Middle School | Irvine,CA | Middle School | 07-08 | 655 | 10 |
Sierra Vista Middle School | Irvine,CA | Middle School | 07-08 | 1074 | 10 |
Irvine Unified school district is located at 5050 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92604. Please call 949-936-5000.
The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Irvine Unified school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Irvine Unified school district was 976: 591 of them were elementary school teachers, 320 were secondary school teachers.
The number of students in Irvine Unified school district was 27262: 2534 of them were in special education program, -1 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.
School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education