Nearby school districts:
Lakeview Public Schools (Macomb),
Roseville Community Schools,
Reach Charter Academy,
Conner Creek Academy East,
South Lake Schools,
Arts Academy In The Woods,
Clintondale Community Schools,
Fraser Public Schools,
East Detroit Public Schools,
Heart Academy
Lake Shore Public Schools (Macomb) school district is located at 28850 Harper Ave Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081. Please call 586-285-8480.
The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Lake Shore Public Schools (Macomb) school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Lake Shore Public Schools (Macomb) school district was 177: 51 of them were elementary school teachers, 83 were secondary school teachers.
The number of students in Lake Shore Public Schools (Macomb) school district was 3506: 439 of them were in special education program, 20 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.
School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education