Home > Ohio > Muskingum County > Muskingum Valley Esc School District

Muskingum Valley Esc School District
Grades: PK-PK | Student:0 | Teacher:31
Phone: 740-452-4518
205 North 7th St Zanesville, OH 43701
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Total Students:0
American Indian:
Two or more races:
Student - Special Education:0
Student - English Learner:0
Teacher - PreKindergarten:11
Teacher - Kindergarten:0
Teacher - Elementary:4
Teacher - Secondary:5
Teacher - Ungraded:10
Instructional Aides:46
Instructional Coordinators:3
Guidance Counselor - Elementary-1
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:-1
Guidance Counselor - Others:0
Guidance Counselor - Total:-1
Librarians/media specialists:0
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:3
LEA administrative support staff:40
School administrators:0
School administrative support staff:0
Student support services staff:20
All other support services staff:9

Nearby school districts: Zanesville City, Zanesville Community School, Mid-East Career And Technology Centers, Maysville Local, Foxfire Center For Student Success, West Muskingum Local, Franklin Local, Franklin Local Community School, Tri-Valley Local, East Muskingum Academy

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore

Muskingum Valley Esc school district is located at 205 North 7th St Zanesville, OH 43701. Please call 740-452-4518.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Muskingum Valley Esc school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Muskingum Valley Esc school district was 31: 4 of them were elementary school teachers, 5 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in Muskingum Valley Esc school district was 0: 0 of them were in special education program, 0 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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