Home > Virginia > Petersburg City > Petersburg City Public Schools School District

Petersburg City Public Schools School District
Grades: PK-12 | Student:4557 | Teacher:287
Phone: 804-732-0510
255 South Blvd East Petersburg, VA 23805
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Total Students:4557
American Indian:0
Two or more races:9
Student - Special Education:455
Student - English Learner:131
Teacher - PreKindergarten:24
Teacher - Kindergarten:19
Teacher - Elementary:104
Teacher - Secondary:140
Teacher - Ungraded:-2
Instructional Aides:76
Instructional Coordinators:50
Guidance Counselor - Elementary4
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:7
Guidance Counselor - Others:0
Guidance Counselor - Total:11
Librarians/media specialists:7
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:5
LEA administrative support staff:26
School administrators:19
School administrative support staff:26
Student support services staff:13
All other support services staff:198

Nearby school districts: Petersburg Regional Alternative, Appomattox Regional Gov Sch, Colonial Heights City Pblc Schs, Prince George Co Pblc Schs, Hopewell City Pblc Schs, Rowanty Vocational Tech Ctr, Chesterfield Co Pblc Schs, Dinwiddie Co Pblc Schs, Charles City Co Pblc Schs, Sussex Co Pblc Schs

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
Blandford AcademyPetersburg,VAUnknownN-N-2
Vernon Johns Junior High SchoolPetersburg,VAOther School08-096944
Petersburg High SchoolPetersburg,VAHigh School10-128483
Peabody Middle SchoolPetersburg,VAMiddle School06-075483
J.E.B. Stuart Elementary SchoolPetersburg,VAElementary SchoolPK-054433
Westview Early Childhood Education Ctr.Petersburg,VAElementary SchoolPK-PK356
Walnut Hill Elementary SchoolPetersburg,VAElementary SchoolKG-056442
A.P. Hill Elementary SchoolPetersburg,VAElementary SchoolKG-056011
Robert E. Lee Elementary SchoolPetersburg,VAElementary SchoolKG-054233

Petersburg City Public Schools school district is located at 255 South Blvd East Petersburg, VA 23805. Please call 804-732-0510.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Petersburg City Public Schools school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Petersburg City Public Schools school district was 287: 104 of them were elementary school teachers, 140 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in Petersburg City Public Schools school district was 4557: 455 of them were in special education program, 131 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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