Home > California > Santa Barbara County > Santa Barbara Secondary School District School District

Santa Barbara Secondary School District School District
Grades: 06-12 | Student:9672 | Teacher:408
Phone: 805-963-4331
720 Santa Barbara St Santa Barbara, CA 93101
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Total Students:9672
American Indian:59
Two or more races:256
Student - Special Education:1160
Student - English Learner:-1
Teacher - PreKindergarten:-1
Teacher - Kindergarten:0
Teacher - Elementary:135
Teacher - Secondary:273
Teacher - Ungraded:0
Instructional Aides:79
Instructional Coordinators:1
Guidance Counselor - Elementary0
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:0
Guidance Counselor - Others:-2
Guidance Counselor - Total:0
Librarians/media specialists:7
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:2
LEA administrative support staff:15
School administrators:23
School administrative support staff:52
Student support services staff:20
All other support services staff:101

Nearby school districts: Santa Barbara Elementary, Santa Barbara School Districts, Cold Spring Elementary, Hope Elementary, Santa Barbara County Rop, Montecito Union Elementary, Santa Barbara County Office Of Education, Santa Barbara County Selpa Jpa, Goleta Union Elementary, Carpinteria Unified

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
Community DaySanta Barbara,CAUnknown07-08-2
Home School Santa Barbara SecondarySanta Barbara,CAUnknown07-12-2
Santa Barbara Alternative SchoolSanta Barbara,CAOther School09-100
San Marcos Bridge SchoolSanta Barbara,CAOther School09-090
Dos Pueblos Charger AcademyGoleta,CAHigh School10-120
Dos Pueblos Senior High SchoolGoleta,CAHigh School09-1222978
La Cuesta Continuation High SchoolSanta Barbara,CAHigh School10-121073
San Marcos Senior High SchoolSanta Barbara,CAHigh School08-1218706
Santa Barbara Senior High SchoolSanta Barbara,CAHigh School09-1221686
Alta Vista Alternative HighSanta Barbara,CAHigh School09-12103
Santa Barbara Charter Middle SchoolGoleta,CAMiddle School06-08706
Santa Barbara Junior High SchoolSanta Barbara,CAMiddle School07-088367

Santa Barbara Secondary School District school district is located at 720 Santa Barbara St Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Please call 805-963-4331.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Santa Barbara Secondary School District school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Santa Barbara Secondary School District school district was 408: 135 of them were elementary school teachers, 273 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in Santa Barbara Secondary School District school district was 9672: 1160 of them were in special education program, -1 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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