Home > Massachusetts > Hampden County > Springfield School District School District

Springfield School District School District
Grades: PK-12 | Student:25213 | Teacher:2077
Phone: 413-787-7100
1550 Main St Springfield, MA 01103
  1. Profile
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Total Students:25213
American Indian:24
Two or more races:939
Student - Special Education:5840
Student - English Learner:3099
Teacher - PreKindergarten:48
Teacher - Kindergarten:88
Teacher - Elementary:1281
Teacher - Secondary:660
Teacher - Ungraded:-2
Instructional Aides:789
Instructional Coordinators:9
Guidance Counselor - Elementary15
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:26
Guidance Counselor - Others:-2
Guidance Counselor - Total:41
Librarians/media specialists:19
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:62
LEA administrative support staff:69
School administrators:120
School administrative support staff:151
Student support services staff:280
All other support services staff:119

Nearby school districts: Robert M. Hughes Academy Charter Public (District), Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School Of Excellenc, New Leadership Charter (District), West Springfield, Longmeadow, Chicopee, East Longmeadow, Agawam, Sabis International Charter (District), Holyoke Community Charter (District)

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
Springfield Academy For ExcellenceSpringfield,MAOther SchoolKG-124751
The Springfield Renaissance SchoolSpringfield,MAOther School06-126514
High School/Science-TechSpringfield,MAHigh School09-1212671
High School Of CommerceSpringfield,MAHigh School09-1212861
Putnam Vocational Tech High SchoolSpringfield,MAHigh School09-1215451
Springfield Central High SchoolSpringfield,MAHigh School09-1220462
Van Sickle Middle SchoolSpringfield,MAMiddle School06-089831
Chestnut Street Middle SchoolSpringfield,MAMiddle School06-089671
John J Duggan Middle SchoolSpringfield,MAMiddle School06-084321
Forest Park Middle SchoolSpringfield,MAMiddle School06-087981
John F Kennedy Middle SchoolSpringfield,MAMiddle School06-086461
M Marcus Kiley Middle SchoolSpringfield,MAMiddle School06-088281

Springfield School District school district is located at 1550 Main St Springfield, MA 01103. Please call 413-787-7100.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Springfield School District school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Springfield School District school district was 2077: 1281 of them were elementary school teachers, 660 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in Springfield School District school district was 25213: 5840 of them were in special education program, 3099 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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