Home > Louisiana > St. Mary Parish > St. Mary Parish School District

St. Mary Parish School District
Grades: PK-12 | Student:9465 | Teacher:696
Phone: 337-836-9661
474 Hwy 317 Centerville, LA 70522
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Total Students:9465
American Indian:72
Two or more races:213
Student - Special Education:1318
Student - English Learner:280
Teacher - PreKindergarten:27
Teacher - Kindergarten:38
Teacher - Elementary:423
Teacher - Secondary:208
Teacher - Ungraded:-2
Instructional Aides:205
Instructional Coordinators:27
Guidance Counselor - Elementary11
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:6
Guidance Counselor - Others:-2
Guidance Counselor - Total:17
Librarians/media specialists:22
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:3
LEA administrative support staff:32
School administrators:43
School administrative support staff:52
Student support services staff:84
All other support services staff:248

Nearby school districts: V. B. Glencoe Charter School, Assumption Parish, Iberia Parish, St. Martin Parish, Ascension Parish, Lafourche Parish, Iberville Parish, Terrebonne Parish, The Max Charter School, Vermilion Parish

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
St. Mary Parish Alternative SchoolFranklin,LAUnknown01-12-2
Centerville High SchoolCenterville,LAOther SchoolPK-125925
Morgan City High SchoolMorgan City,LAHigh School09-127477
Berwick High SchoolBerwick,LAHigh School09-124589
Franklin Senior High SchoolFranklin,LAHigh School08-124484
West St. Mary High SchoolBaldwin,LAHigh School09-124084
Patterson High SchoolPatterson,LAHigh School09-125024
Berwick Junior High SchoolBerwick,LAMiddle School06-084239
B. Edward Boudreaux Middle SchoolBaldwin,LAMiddle School06-083055
Franklin Junior High SchoolFranklin,LAMiddle School06-083263
Morgan City Junior High SchoolMorgan City,LAMiddle School06-085688
Patterson Junior High SchoolPatterson,LAMiddle School04-086006

St. Mary Parish school district is located at 474 Hwy 317 Centerville, LA 70522. Please call 337-836-9661.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in St. Mary Parish school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in St. Mary Parish school district was 696: 423 of them were elementary school teachers, 208 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in St. Mary Parish school district was 9465: 1318 of them were in special education program, 280 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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